2023 Seniors
Senior Week Activities: May 22nd – May 27th
April 27
Cap & Gown Pick Up
Herff Jones will be here Thursday, April 27th to Distribute Cap & Gowns and any other graduation items ordered.
Order balances must be paid in full prior to pick up.
Payment Options:
- Online at highschool.herffjones.com
- Phone – (502) 240-0505
Seniors on campus will pick up during CARD Time.
Co-Op, Dual Credit & SCOLA Seniors can pick up starting at 11:00 am in the Upper Auditorium.
April 28
SCHS Library Books Due
All SCHS Library books must be turned in or paid for by this date. Seniors who have not turned in or paid for library books will not be allowed to participate in Senior Week Activities.
See or Email Mrs. Musick for questions about missing books.
Last day to order Senior Yard Signs
Order signs by filling out the form at:bit.ly/23yrdsgn
Last day to Buy Prom Tickets
May 21
Senior Sunset
SCHS back lot 7:30 PM
SENIOR WEEK Reminder: you must be in good standing for Graduation to participate in Senior Week. This includes ILP Completion, Civics Exam, cleared Library books & fines If you choose NOT to participate in Senior Activities you will need to fill out the Opt Out Form or you will be counted absent for the week. See Mrs. Walls or Mrs. Collins for form
May 22
Throwback Trip
Seniors, every school in the district will be available for you to choose from, but to ensure all schools have Graduates walking their hallways, once you pick your top school, you will then be assigned to its districted middle or elementary school.
-If your choice is an elementary school, then you will go it’s district Middle School
-If your choice is a middle school, you will choose one of the district Elementary schools.
To choose your Throwback school you must fill out the following Google Form by MAY 16th! Any student who has not filled out this form by May 16th will be assigned a bus.
Senior Recognition Night
Located in SCHS Auditorium at 6:30 p.m.
A list of Seniors who need to be in attendance will be posted outside the Front Office and will be notified by email. If you have a scholarship to be recognized please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/DXpPWiWq3fvWmAuy9
May 23
Graduation Practice
SCHS gym 9:00 a.m.
A seating chart will be sent to your school email account on Monday, 22nd at 3:00 p.m. Please check email for your seat assignment so that you know where to sit when you arrive.
Senior Parade
6:30 p.m. Main Street Parade, additional details to follow.
Please select your TShirt Size by April 27th https://forms.gle/KZYdCXtcuz1GFPhWA
May 24
Senior Field Day
Day of games, tournaments, food, & fun!
May 25
Senior Breakfast
Georgetown College Conference Center
All Seniors will report to 1st Hour/off campus students to report to the auditorium. Seniors will be called to buses at 9:00 am and buses should return by noon. Looking your best is encouraged but not required. Seniors will receive Regalia.
May 26
Mandatory Birds Nest Graduation Practice
Graduating Seniors MUST be in attendance to receive tickets in case of indoor ceremony. All Seniors will report to 1st Hr/off campus students to report to the auditorium. Seniors will be called to buses at 9:00 a.m for Birds Nest Stadium. Buses should return to SCHS by noon.
May 27
10:00 am at Birds Nest Stadium. Graduates arrive by 8:30 am.
1st Rain Date moved to Sunday, May, 28th 4:00 p.m. Birds Nest Stadium
If weather prevents Sunday’s ceremony from being outdoors, the event will be moved indoors on Sunday evening to SCHS gymnasium. Indoor event will be limited to 8 tickets due to gym capacity
Photo by Baim Hanif on Unsplash