Be sure and stop by the Principal’s conference room for hot chocolate and coffee.
Just a reminder that today is staff meeting day. It will be pretty brief. We will meet in the choir room at 4:05.
Did you order a yearbook last year? The 2023 yearbooks are in! Pick yours up at lunch Tuesday through Thursday of this week outside the cafeteria.
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) meets every Wednesday morning at 8:00 in THE AUDITORIUM.
EVERYONE is welcome to join us for a time of Food, Fun, The Bible, and prayer.
Mark your calendar for December 14th. Make a plan to gather your friends and join us for a holiday movie after school before the girls’ basketball game. At lunch today look for a QR card to vote for which holiday movie we will be watching.
Berea College will be here on December 14, from 11:35-12:05 in the community room 281. Please sign up using the QR code posted around the school, on the google calendar and in the Counseling office.